Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sweet Tea

The way I figure, the start of any great southern meal is a tall, refreshing, ice cold glass of sweet tea so that is were I'll start. This luxury that we enjoy at any restaurant and most homes in the South is something that is unavailable and sometimes even unheard of in the bustling western metropolis that is Denver, CO. So the question is what can one really say about sweet tea because it is just black tea and sugar, right? Well not exactly.

First for instructions:
For one gallon of tea- Boil 1 qt of water, once boiling remove from heat allow boil to drop and add tea bags. Allow tea to steep for at least 5 minutes. Longer if desired.
Combine hot tea and at least 1 cup of sugar(1 1/2 -2 cups if more sweetness needed)
Allow sugar to completely dissolve and add remaining 3 qt's of cold water
Pour over ice and enjoy with a slice of lemon.

I have comprised a list of things to consider when home brewing and drinking sweet tea. Now this is not as complicated as canning but it is just as important to remember these guidelines.

Do use a quality tea designed for iced tea(Luzianne, Lipton, etc.)
Do use the proper amount of tea bags- 2-3 family size bags per gallon of water
Do always dissolve sugar into hot tea(sugar added to cold tea is sweetened tea not sweet tea)

Do not boil the teabags
Do not add ice to the tea except in the individual glass
Do not take too long to drink a gallon of tea, as it can spoil

Hopefully this post was helpful for those people in the dark about the proper preparation and enjoyment of sweet tea. For all of y'all from the south I can only hope that my methods represent the way you and your family make this delicious beverage. If not please comment and leave your methods and opinions.

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